UFW Makes it Easy to Manage a Linux Firewall
sudo apt install -y ufwsudo ufw allow from ufw default deny incomingsudo ufw default allow outgoingsudo ufw allow ssh sudo ufw allow http sudo ufw allow [port]/[protocal]sudo ufw allow 5900/tcp sudo ufw status numberedsudo ufw delete [number] sudo ufw allow from to any port 3389 Allowing Traffic From a Domain With Dynamic IP…
Enhancing Security: A Comprehensive Guide to SSH Key Pair Generation, Usage, and Management
Create our first SSH key pair In 2019, the unthinkable happened. A server of mine, that was exposed to the internet and wasn’t properly locked down, got hacked, taking down an entire radio station. I never saw it coming. I’m not T-Mobile or Bank of America — so how did they even find me? Turns…